Saturday, July 23, 2016

Ohio Butterflies Seen So Far

Here are some Ohio butterflies I have seen in the garden.  Sadly, I have only observed one of each of these types--no "flutters" of butterflies.  Very few of these gorgeous flying flowers seen this year, but at least some to make the summer special:
A Great Spangled Frittilary on Butterfly Weed

The ever abundant cabbage butterfly on butterfly bush

A silver spotted skipper on clover

a tiny Delaware skipper (only about 1/2" wide) on astilbe

newly emerged black swallowtail on marigolds

Tiger Swallowtail
Not a pretty butterfly, but according to my Butterflies of Ohio book, a rare sighting because these butteflies are disappearing.  Apparently sightings in the field are unreliable because it closely resembles another butterfly.  So it could be a Columbine Duskywing or a Wild Indigo Duskywing.  Neither of which I have ever seen before and both are rare.  This one was in my front yard.  My yard is the right habitat (wooded ravines and moist woodlands) so it has probably been here all along.  Easy to miss!  So glad to document it!
The orange sulphur butterfly

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